Some of the fans that joined us at the Johann Strauss Monument in the Viennese Stadt Park were:
Gordon and Heather Jones, England
Pauline and Mick Baltrop, England
Bob and Margaret King, England
Anne Soder, Germany
Beate Dahl, Germany
Malene, Germany
Peggy Granz, Germany
Christa Schobe, Germany
Sigrun Hartel, Germany
Ute Wiegard, Germany
Michaela Willsan, Germany Ruud and Ineke Ineke, Elke and Sonja
Helma Kindler, Germany
Elke and Nino Freitag, Germany
Iris and Albert Schilling, Germany
Annemiek and Klaus Gross, Austia
Ruud Elshout and Ineke Cornelissen, the Netherlands
Anne Manning, Australia (Tazmania)
Norma Dickingson, Australia
Sylvia and Jack Morris, Australia
John and Bobbie de Jong, USA
Laurie and Noel Crowley, USA
Chris and Siggy Plewa, USA
Sonja Harper USA/ the Netherlands Peggy Siggy and Chris .
I just claim both. It is how I feel, I have two countries that I call home!
Trying to get all those Andre fans to pose for a picture to sent to Andre was not an easy task. Everyone wanted to
take their own pictures, so several are missing, but in the end we did get a nice picture which I enlarged and sent
Andre and Marjorie's home. I am sure they liked seeing that some fans from all over made the pilgrimage to Vienna.
During our fan meeting we actually saw Teun Ramaekers stroll by, He was deep in conversation and did not stop to
chat, but it was fun to see him. When we all went our seperate way, we only had to say goodbye to some of the
fans, many we would see again in Maastricht. Thea and Janny came to Vienna with a bus tour and could not join us
for the fan meeting, but they too were in Maastricht again.
Fan Meeting under the eyes of Johann Strauss
The following morning found us all on our way to the Stadtpark, for a fan get-together in front of the Johann Strauss
statue. When we reached our stop on the underground, only two of us managed to get off. The doors of the train
closed rather quickly and the rest of the group got to ride to the next stop, only to jump on the next train back to the
original stop. Good thing no one was checking tickets, since John had them in his pocket and he was one of the
original two that managed to get off. After the rest of the group returned and we all walked to Strauss’ statue where
we joined fans from all over the world.
Once we were at the park of course everyone had to have their picture taken with Johann. I have to say he was a
good sport about it and stood still during the whole ordeal.
Johann with Ineke and Iris Sonja Bobbie and Sigrun Chris and Siggy
Johann with Noel and Laurie Ushi and Anne Soder Helma, Anne and Ushi Finally Alone!