Information page New fans please read this information page. Here you will find some information posted in the past but interesting for new fans and also a few simple rules for the use of this site. Read how you can print from this website and how to vote for Andre for person of the year. Etc

We work together with several websites around the world. Including the wonderful site run by Ruud and Ineke in
the Netherlands. They are able to post many of Andre's TV appearances. Ruud supplies us with subtitles to the
Dutch and German film clips.
Have a look at
It is amazing how things have changed and grown. When I started this site, few people in English speaking
countries had heard of Andre Rieu and his JSO, and all the articles and interviews came from Holland and
Germany. Now he is well known in many parts of the world. Andre has come a long way since the time I started
my translations site on AOL, in 2001, and that, after all was the intention of starting this website. I am very happy
Andre was able to do so well over the past years and still hope he will become a household word here in the US
too. Would it not be great to have him on Dancing with the stars here in the US. He would be seen by millions.
Maybe we can start another writing campaign.
So with this I again want to thank all who keep us up to date on Andre and his JSO.
Andre has started a Twitter page and you can read the latest information from him there.

My Andre Rieu Translations website.
On these pages you will find the information about the Dutch violinist Andre Rieu and his Johann Strauss
Orchestra I have collected over the years that I have run this site. I have translated interviews and articles from
Dutch and German to English.
The site is meant as a tribute to Andre and to give his English speaking fans some additional information about the
Maestro and his orchestra. This information comes from many different sources. Much is from fans and from
Dutch and German Internet sites, magazines and news papers. I try to get several sources but cannot guarantee
the information.
Therefor for all official information always check Andre's website at
No copyrights infringement intended, it is sometimes hard to tell on the Internet, and I get information and pictures
from fans around the world, but if you see anything that is yours and has copyrights, please let me know and I will
remove it immediately, or ask permission to use it with credit to the information or pictures.
I will keep the mailing list of fans I have collected in the years I have run this site, just in case something needs
immediate attention. If anyone wants to be added to that list send me your name, state and country and I will be
happy to add you. However I no longer mail out newsletters. All the news
gets posted on the Parlor. So there is no need for news letters.
With help of all fans we often know about concerts before the general public does, that enables us to post this info,
so you can get the best seats in the house. In order to do so, we do need help from all fans, so if you hear
anything new, concert dates of just some fun information please let us know, so we can share it with the other fans.
This website would not be possible without the help of our fan friends all over the world. They sent us their
pictures and graphics to use on this site, they sent articles and interviews to translate and information about
concerts. My thanks go out to all of them.
Please do not give information you read on this website to others to publish or publish it on other websites without
giving credit to our website! You can read the rules for use of this website on the information page. There are
only three simple rules, one of which is, you can use anything, but you do have to give credit!!!
We work hard on this site, please respect it and give credit where credit is due.
My daughter and her family now live with me, and my job is taking more time, I no longer have time to work on this
site. I am so happy that I was smart enough to ask Sue to help out with the website. While I was in Holland, I
wanted to add a blog. Talking through email Sue and I came up with the Harmony Parlor (Sue found the best blog
to use and I came up with the name for it) and the rest in History.
Click on picture to go to Sue and John's Harmony Parlor
Welcome to my Website
Cassandra's first Andre concert in Indianapolis.
Oct 2
While we wait patiently for Andre to recover and return to our shores, I would like to introduce you to an Ex JSO
member. Guido Diederen and his orchestra will tour the East coast in November. Read about his tour here:
Guido's Orchestra