Suzan Erens
Suzan was born in Heerlen in the Netherlands. (I have also heard Sittard,
I will ask her next time I see her) I have now asked and it is indeed Heerlen.
she did tell me that she did live in Sittard for many years.
When Suzan was 15, she performed in a cabaret at her high school.
Her music teacher was so impressed by her beautiful voice that he called the
Maastricht Conservatory and told them he had a emergency!
Suzan studied at the Conservatory under Mrs. Besseling and Mr van Mechelen.
She also followed several master classes with Professor Kararine Moesen and
Professor Ute Trekel-Burckhardt.
In 1994 she performed in 'Les Miserable' and in 1995 she was the soloist of the mixed choir Epen and with the
women's choir Schin-op-Geul.
In a few years she built up a extensive repertoire in Opera, musicals, movie music and jazz. She performed in
several European cities like Vienna, Brussels, Cologne, Marseilles, etc.
She auditioned for Andre and he was touched by her special voice and in 2000 Suzan
was one of the singers in the choir and she traveled with the JSO during the
'La Vie est Belle' tour When she finished her study at the Conservatory in Maastricht
she became the first solo soprano Andre used in his concerts. One evening when Frank
was playing piano, he asked her to join in. She did and Andre heard her sing, he liked
what he heard and she has been a soloist since then
Her first tour as a soloist to the USA was in 2002. About this performance she said;
"before I enter the stage I get dressed by Jacqueline and Gosha, our regular dressers,
they also do my hair, and I do have to say that the ritual helps put me in the mood for
my performance. The beautiful white dress which I wear during the concert was
especially designed and made for me.
Once on stage it is a fantastic experience to be able to perform with Andre and his orchestra. That feeling I had
when I sang in his choir, but to sing solo for such large audiences is of course the dream of every singer. Of course
I was nervous in the beginning, but thankfully every evening I feel a little more at ease.
Together with Andre I chose the pieces I sing. One of the songs is from the 'Phantom of the Opera' that song is for
me extra special, it has such a beautiful melody, with a text which tells about missing of a loved one. In the story of
the 'Phantom' it is sung by the leading character Christine, at the grave of her father who died when she was still
very young. I lost my father a few years ago and during the funeral service I sang this song too. Not a day goes by
that I do not think of him and at every concert I dedicate this song also a bit to him.
I met Suzan first in Columbus on April 26, 2002 and had a little chat with her during intermission. Suzan, Cord,
Arthur and Karlien had all stepped outside (it was a beautiful evening) for some fresh air and my daughter and I had
also gone outside for a few minutes. She sang her two songs before the intermission and she had already changed
back from her beautiful white dress into a pair of jeans. She told me that she especially loved singing the song from
the 'Phantom of the Opera', and that it had a special meaning for her. She sang it at her father's funeral.
In 2004 in Cleveland I saw Suzan and Pierre walking hand in hand they looked like a
sweet couple. I was not suppose to see that and promised not to say anything. But by
now most fans know that Suzan and Pierre area couple. In 2005 in Chicago she
showed me her ring and said "is he not sweet".
She also thanked me for the cards we made her and for Pierre and
for the Dutch treat I had brought for her. She is very friendly and
always willing to talk to the fans.
In December 2006 during the concerts in Toronto I had a chance to talk to Suzan.
She was not there to perform but to see Pierre and had flown in the
previous day and would fly back to Holland the following day. She said she
wanted to leave before Pierre so she had some time to put up the Christmas
tree before he came home. She also told me that they do not have any
wedding plans yet, but that they are very busy with their house. We talked
a bit about her ambition to do Musicals. She said neither she nor Carla had
other work yet, and that the competition is fierce.
She also told me that she would perform at the 2007 concert in Maastricht and
Toronto and Carla would too.
Sadly Suzan and Pierre broke up in July 2007, I think fans felt it as a loss, It seemed like a fairytale, but it was not to
Suzan has since performed in the musical Pierre Cuypers. She played Rosalia, the first wife of Pierre Cuypers. I
heard that it was a big success.
Suzan also has the role of Sissy at Andre's world tour. However she said the tour to Australian will be her farewell
tour with Andre. We will all miss her.
The Rose
Kalki and Suzan still
part of the choir.
Don't cry for me Argentina